Hi! My name is Chyrisse! I’m a DC based blogger working in the food & beverage industry. I remember starting my job a few years ago, looking to my boss for advice on what to wear to work as a female in a non-traditional 9-5 setting. I copied her style and grew tired of wearing items of clothes that were not fit for me. Soon I began to wear clothes that I would typically wear outside of work but with minor changes (i.e. shoes). Now if you work in the f&b industry, you would know that its verrrry easy to get your clothes dirty. But I did not let that stop me! If I’m not dressed my best, then I don’t feel my best! Surprisingly, I got tons of compliments from coworkers and clientele enough for me to start documenting my style on instagram. My clothing risks at work transformed into my daily life as well. I took my first solo trip outside the country and I’ve been hooked ever since! This blog will be my creative outlet documenting my style, travels, and much more! I hope you find inspiration and value in this blog. Drop a line below so we can connect!